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Cancer single blood test

Scientists say a single blood test for detecting cancer earlier is a step closer after they discovered the presence of more than 800 possible signs of cancer, known as biomarkers, in the blood of cancer patients.

Study author Professor Ian Cree, from the University of Warwick and University Hospitals Coventry, said in a statement: "This is a new method for early detection and the first time such a systematic review has been conducted on a single blood-based screener. The test would be a game-changer in detecting cancer early, which could help make it a treatable disease for more patients.

All cancers leave markers in the blood, which raises the possibility of general screening tests for many different types of cancer.

"We believe we have identified all the relevant biomarkers; the next step is to identify the biomarkers that are best suited to detect cancer."

Finding ways to detect cancer earlier could help provide more treatment options earlier and save more lives.

The research could open the way to new, less invasive screening tests that can detect more cancers in their early stages, possibly including some rare types, when they are more likely to be treated.

The UK Early Cancer Detection Consortium conducted the study, which involved screening more than 19,000 scientific papers. The team is funded by Cancer Research UK.

The identified biomarkers will be reviewed and grouped before further development in laboratory studies.

The findings were presented this week at the National Cancer Institute Cancer Conference in Liverpool, England.

Sara Hiom, director of early diagnosis at Cancer Research UK, said in a statement: "This is an innovative and promising new approach. Although at an early stage, it shows how much we know about cancer 'markers' and new technologies How that increases. Combined to provide new opportunities to detect cancer faster."

Early diagnosis of cancer often means more effective treatment, which means better survival rates. Our goal over the next 20 years is that three quarters of people with cancer will survive at least 10 years after diagnosis. "

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